Goodbuy Purchasing Cooperative » Program Overview

Program Overview


The Purchasing Program of the Education Service Center, Region 2

Serving our members since 1992, GoodBuy Purchasing Cooperative (formerly the Multi-Regional Purchasing Program) is your friend in cooperative purchasing.

Our quality objective is to make it possible for our members -- Local Education agencies (independent school districts, charter schools, religious-based schools), city and county governmental entities, non-profit organizations, colleges, universities and day care centers -- to purchase goods and services in an efficient, cost effective and competitive procurement method as outlined in the Texas School Law Bulletin, Sec. 44.031 Purchasing Contracts, and the Texas Government Code, Title 7 Intergovernmental Relations, Sec. 791 Interlocal Cooperation Contracts.

This web site provides a listing of all current contracts that are available to our members.

To join as a Member or see a complete membership listing, please click here.

Vendors interested in registering with our program may click here .