Human Resources » Teacher Incentive Allotment

Teacher Incentive Allotment

What is the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)? 

TIA was established with the goal of providing outstanding teachers an accessible pathway to a six-figure salary. Unlike previous education programs, the Teacher Incentive Allotment is not a grant. Through approved local designation systems, districts can identify and designate outstanding teachers based on student growth and classroom observation. Employing designated teachers generates extra funding for districts to reward top performers.
To learn more about the Teacher Incentive Allotment, visit
Who is TIA for?

Serving Texas Districts & Teachers

TIA is built for Texas school districts to designate and reward top-performing teachers. Teachers can earn one of three levels of designation – Recognized, Exemplary, or Master. Teachers with a National Board certification may be designated as Recognized. 

Districts receive an annual allotment for each eligible designated teacher they employ and may use TIA funds to incentivize effective teachers to remain in the classroom and prioritize high-needs campuses.

Benefits for Teachers


Prioritizes Student Growth

Unlike previous incentive programs based on achievement data, TIA requires districts to identify effective teachers based on the growth of their students over the course of a school year. Districts are not required to use STAAR data or other standardized assessments for the local designation system.Rather than using the magnitude of growth, effectiveness is measured by the impact teachers have on all students by setting growth at the individual student level.

Possible Increase in Pay

TIA is funding for classroom teachers. Teachers with designations generate funding for their districts. At minimum, 90% of funds must be spent on teacher compensation at the campus where the designated teacher works. Funds are not limited to designated teacher pay, but may be divided among other teachers. The amount of funding the designated teacher earns varies by campus based on their designation level, the socioeconomic needs at a campus, the rural status of a campus, and the spending plan created by the district.
Teacher designations are divided into three categories: Recognized, Exemplary, and Master. Teachers who meet the criteria for the Recognized category receive a minimum of $3,000 per year. In contrast, those who meet the criteria for the Master category can receive up to $32,000 per year. These incentives are paid out every school year in addition to the teacher’s regular salary.
Regional Support 

The Teacher Incentive Allotment facilitator at the Region 2 Education Service Center provides ongoing guidance and support to districts as they work to successfully develop and submit their TIA plans to the Texas Education Agency. These consultation services are provided free-of-charge to districts in the Region 2 service area.  The Regional TIA facilitator will work closely with other ESC 2 team members to support the districts as they apply for the TIA.  The ESC 2 team will offer professional development opportunities essential to the development, implementation, and validation of  the Teacher Incentive Allotment Application.


Offer professional development opportunities to support districts as they create their local designation systems required for TIA.  These include: T-TESS, T-TESS, Appraiser Calibration, SLO, TIL, data systems, and assessment support.

Texas has developed a new evaluation system for teachers and principals, The Texas Teacher           

Evaluation   and Support System (T-TESS) and the Texas Principal Evaluation Support System                       

(T-PESS).  The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System utilizes many tools that help

support teacher instruction and student performance.


This new system consists of:

  • an evaluation rubric
  • a goal-setting plan and
  • an embedded student growth measure.

Provide participants with a deeper dive into the calibration process, allow them to engage in multiple calibration opportunities using a rubric and two different protocols, and continue to hone scripting and evidence collecting skill sets for TIA. This half-day training will support Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) cohorts with Success Factor Four: Strongly Calibrated Teacher Observation System. It will also support strong calibration for any rubric or evaluation system for all districts and campuses, including those who are not participating in TIA.




The Student Learning Objective (SLO) training is for districts considering or in the process of implementing SLO's as a student growth measure. The SLO training is appropriate for districts that are participating in the Teacher Incentive Allotment process.





Texas Instructional Leadership is a program through which we provide training and support to campus and district leaders on their ability to build the capacity of educators that they manage. It consists of a suite of trainings intended to foster continuous improvement by helping campus and district administrators grow concrete instructional leadership skills in the areas of observation and feedback, schoolwide culture routines, and data-driven instruction.

TIL trainings are aligned with many of the best practices described in the Effective Schools Framework, and ESCs that offer TIL trainings are among the approved vendors for schools seeking a technical assistance provider or capacity builder to support the execution of a campus improvement plan.



National Board Certification Flyer

Potential and current National Board Candidates can engage in learning for successful completion of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) requirements for certification. We are pleased to offer self-paced, on-demand courses to meet teachers where they are in their National Board journey. Self-paced Courses available include:

  • Region 2 National Board Pre-requisite Meeting
  • Navigating National Board Certification: Component 1 Course
  • Navigating National Board Certification: Component 2 Course
  • Navigating National Board Certification: Component 3 Course
  • Navigating National Board Certification: Component 4 Course
If you need additional information on the Teacher Incentive Allotment and the services provided at Region 2, please contact the Region 2 TIA Lead.