Digital Media and Library Services » Brooke's Bots

Brooke's Bots

 What is Brooke’s Bots?

A program which allows students to attend classes via interactive video conferencing while recovering from long-term illness or other factors requiring the student be homebound or not able to be present in the classroom.


VGo removes the barriers of distance by enabling homebound students to:

  • Develop strong teacher and peer relationships
  • Participate in class discussions and school assemblies
  • Stay socially connected
  • Boost their morale, providing tangible health benefits
  • Continue curriculum with fidelity

VGo is uniquely integrated with a camera, microphones, and video display - all on a light-weight, motorized, stylish, remote-controlled platform. 

VGo is optimized at 4 feet tall so it works equally well when interacting with people who are sitting or standing.

Brooke's Bots (Vgo Program): Brooke's Bots Application