Title IVA - Mental & Behavioral Health » Mental & Behavioral Health

Mental & Behavioral Health

With the goal of maximizing assistance to school counselors and mental health professionals in schools, the Mental & Behavioral Health team provides resources, trainings, and support through technical assistance, professional development opportunities, and research based best-practices.
In alignment with a comprehensive school mental health system, we provide services and resources designed to assist our LEA's in:
  • Provide all students access to a well-rounded education
  • Improve school conditions for student learning (safe and healthy students)
  • Improve the use of technology to improve the academic outcomes and digital literacy of students
  • Prevention of mental health concerns
  • Intervention in mental health concerns
  • Promotion of a safe and healthy school climate
  • Trainings to support social, emotional, and behavioral health
  • Access to school and community based interventions and supports to students and families
  • Training in Multi-tiered Systems of Support
  • Technical Support

For additional information or resources, please contact the ESC-2 Title IV, Part A Specialist.