STEM Education » Workshops


STEM Events

2nd Annual Drone Racing Competition- Middle School

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The 2nd annual  Drone competition seeks to bridge student understanding of aviation and coding through team collaboration, critical thinking, and adaptability.  Our goal is to promote STEM education and offer students a chance to see what opportunities lie ahead for them in the field of STEM. 

Team requirements (what makes a team)

A team consists of four players and an adult coach.  A second team can have the same head coach, but a third and/or fourth team must be accompanied by a second adult. 

A school can have a max of four teams. 

Registration will be limited to a total of 30 teams for the region.

Team will receive a drone specifically for competition (no other drone type will be allowed to compete).  If you have a drone from previous competition, enter NoDroneNeeded as the discount code.  Teams will also receive lunch and a t-shirt during the event.

STEM Conference 2023

We’ve all heard STEM as a phrase for years, and we have seen examples of STEM implemented in schools and districts throughout the region.  With the upcoming changes occurring to curriculum in Tech Apps and Science, let us come together to share ideas, identify state goals and focus on what STEM will look like for all students.  

Join us for a collaborative and informative day to build our capacity as STEM educators and network to create stronger connections in our region.  

Looking to be a vendor or present at the conference. Contact [email protected] and visit our website for more information.

Oh The Digital Places We Can Go- Digital Field Trips, Geocaching, and Digiwalks (Self-Paced Course)


Learn how to travel with your class anywhere you want to go.  Transcend time and space and bring students to destinations and time periods previously inaccessible to them.  Create your own digital experience to enhance your teaching and provide, not only a new experience, but develop new skills sets for your students with digital field trips.  Applicable to teachers grades K-12.

Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom

Enhance Student Engagement with Interactive Whiteboards (Self-Paced Online Course)


Improve digital literacy and foster technology application in the classroom with Interactive Whiteboards.  Change the dynamics in your classroom through the use of Interactive Whiteboards to create a learner-centered partnership allowing students to engage with technology while mastering the curriculum. Applicable to teachers grades K-12.

Changing the dynamics in the classroom by establishing a partnership with interactive White boards for students and teachers
Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom

Creating a Guide for Developing a STEM Camp   (Self-Paced Course)thumb_business-2082639_1280.jpg

Do your students need an exciting, hands-on, interactive and creative summer/intersession opportunity? Build a STEM camp on your campus! This workshop will provide a guide to build a customized STEM camp for your campus or district. Participants will be provided with templates and resources to support the integration of a STEM camp into your school plans allowing for student learning and access to content and materials that will build both 21st century and soft skills training. The information presented during this training can be implemented during the summer, at intersession or holiday break.      Applicable to teachers grades 6-10.

Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom

How to Build a Successful Robotics Club (Self-Paced Online Course)

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When people think robots, they think robots crashing into each other in an attempt to destroy one another’s team build.  However, robotics emphasizes many STEM fluency skills to orchestrate a well-designed, well-built and programmed robot that is thoroughly documented by a cohesive team of a collection of individuals.  Robotics is for every student of every ability level; a team just needs guidance and support to show them what success looks like.  This training will take you through the processes to building a successful robotics club that will seamlessly integrate into your school culture and become a vehicle for STEM outreach. 

Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom

Create a Class Culture of Makers, Inventors, and Creators with Makerspaces (Self-Paced Online Course)


Kickstart your makerspace with an understanding of what a makerspace is all about, suggestions to fill your makerspace, storage ideas, funding opportunities, resources to explore, and most importantly, developing the maker mindset.

Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom

Online Makerspaces: Create your virtual platform (Self-Paced Online Course)

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Looking for ways to reach more students with STEM experiences and opportunities? Identify the characteristics of a virtual makerspace and determine ways to create a challenging and rewarding experience for your campus as they navigate your platform to build their maker mindset and move from consumers to creators. Help your campus build STEM fluency skills as students learn new tools that can be used to create products that demonstrate mastery of content and skills.  

Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom

DIY: Engineering Olympics (Self-Paced Online Course)

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Plan, prepare, and construct an Engineering Olympics or STEM field day that will create an environment of enrichment and competition building on content and skills learned in the classroom. Your classroom content will serve as the touchstone for engaging events and activities for your students. In this session, you will develop the outline for organizing personnel, creating the competition events, and identifying your competition brackets or advancement criteria. We will also look at evaluating your schedule for the day as you prep your school space for feeding your students, judging their work, and assembling for the culminating celebration. Applicable to teachers grades 3-12.

Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom

Insights into the STEM Toolkit- Community Tools edition (Self-Paced Online Course)

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Utilizing the STEM Toolkit from TEA and resources developed from the Region 2 Texas EcosySTEM, Insights into the STEM Toolkit- Community Tools Edition looks to provide you an understanding of the tools available for your campus and district as you seek to find ways to connect with your community through STEM implementation on your campus.This course is designed to showcased the opportunities available in Region 2 and how to connect with your STEM leads at the Education Service Center.  Capping off the course, you will identify where your campus falls in the implementation levels of STEM and what you look to do moving forward to implement STEM on your campus and in your district.

Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom

Turn Students from Consumers to Creators: Showcase Your STEM Learners (Self-Paced Online Course)


Give students a vehicle for creativity and creation. Help them move beyond consumption of content and learn to develop their own products and bridge their experiences to a realm of discovery and presentation.  Help students showcase their work and fuel their talents. Applicable to K-12 grade.

Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom

Using STEM to Engage Your GT Students- G/T 6 Hour Update (Online Self-Paced Course)

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Promote critical thinking and differentiated instruction to support a strong classroom culture celebrating discovery and creativity.  Guide your students through experiences tailored to their interests in digital field trips and support their development of skills through makerspaces.  Showcase their talents and build a platform for student presentation and publication while utilizing the latest apps to enhance your instruction to deliver content and connect with your student audience.  Units covered in this course: Unit 1- Virtual field trips-Geocaching, Virtual Tours, Digiwalks, Unit 2- Makerspaces- online and in-person, Unit 3- Building a Culture of Creation, and Unit 4- Time is Tiktoking- Apps to get your teaching to go viral.

Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom

Win your next proposal: Securing funding for STEM (Self-Paced Online Course)

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Find valuable opportunities to secure funding that will support your STEM implementation options. Expand your STEM program by winning your next grant proposal.  Learn from my experiences as I breakdown what I did to finally break through and get funded through my education foundation. Applicable to K-12 grade.

Region 02 ESC
Via Google Classroom