Instructional Materials » Instructional Materials

Instructional Materials

Instructional Materials are any materials used to convey the essential knowledge and skills of a subject, including but not limited to lesson plans, textbooks, student materials and online learning supports.


Texas Education Agency (TEA) supports and coordinates the review and approval of instructional materials by the State Board of Education (SBOE), as well as provides oversight for their statewide use. 


SBOE-Approved Instructional Materials are any instructional materials that have been through the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process and have been officially approved by SBOE. These materials are considered high-quality instructional materials (HQIM).


As the terminology and definitions related to instructional materials continue to evolve, stay up-to-date by visiting TEA's Instructional Materials Terminology.


TEA Available Materials are optional instructional resources provided by the agency for local school systems. These include Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials, Bluebonnet Learning pilot materials, and third-party supplemental resources for secondary math and science.


Schools can use EMAT, Texas’ online ordering system, to procure instructional materials with designated funds. This includes state-adopted and non-adopted materials. Schools can request materials in two ways:

    1. Requisition – For state-adopted or SBOE-approved materials.
    2. Disbursement Request – For materials ordered directly from the vendor.


Before procuring materials through EMAT, LEAs must complete key steps: finalize the Certification of Provision of Instructional Materials, complete EMAT training, request access in TEAL, update contacts and addresses, and select summer ship dates if applicable. EMAT typically closes in April for updates and reopens in May for orders. LEAs are strongly encouraged to complete Certification of Provision of Instructional Materials during this time.