Title IIIA - English Language Acquisition » Title III, Part A- English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Act

Title III, Part A- English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Act

Title III, Part A

The purpose of the Title III, Part A program is to ensure that English learners (ELs) and Immigrant students attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English.  There are many useful resources on  the Texas Education Agency's website: TEA Title III Webpage


ESC 2 Shared Service Arrangement

The Education Service Center, Region 2 (ESC-2) Title III Shared Services Arrangement (SSA) is a consortium of districts and charter schools that combine Title III federal monies, using ESC-2 as the fiscal and administrative agent, to maximize funding through cooperative spending. ESC-2 provides the following customized services and technical assistance to participating districts and charters:

  • Complete and submit the Title III application and amendments within specified deadlines
  • Provide professional development opportunities targeted to addressing limited English proficient student needs, creating more qualified EB-serving teachers, and bolstering parental outreach as requested. 
  • Provide family meeting resources specific to the Title III Grant program to make parents and families aware of the benefits of the ESL/Bilingual program.
  • Commit to provide a high level of high quality service to member clients
2024-2025 Shared Service Agreement 
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our ESC 2 Dual Language Institute: Planning Year, a TEA initiative designed to enhance and support dual language program implementation across Region 2. This institute aims to provide administrators with the framework and resources needed to thrive in a multilingual learning environment. 

The Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) plays a pivotal role in the education
of English learners. The LPAC’s role extends beyond the responsibilities established under the Texas Administrative Code, 19 TAC Chapter 89, Subchapter BB Commissioner’s Rules Concerning State Plan for Educating English learners. As an advocate for the English learners, the LPAC becomes the voice that initiates, articulates, deliberates, and determines the best instructional program for the student. It functions as a link between the home and the school in making appropriate decisions regarding placement, instructional practices, assessment, and special programs that impact the student.